This week for me has been one of those weeks to totally forget. Its been a time that if my brain had a format button it would have been pressed daily if not hourly! Who else has had one of the weeks or months? When I'm feeling down, upset, angry or stressed I find that getting up early and going for a walk helps set me up positively for the day ahead.
For me its good to get up early and do something with my mornings, either gym, British Military Fitness, walk my dog, do some mind is clear and hasn't yet been tainted with all life's stresses. I also find that I'm much more proactive and productive with the rest of my day.
This particular street style shoot was done along Chelsea Embankment one Sunday morning just after sun rise and I'm loving the soft lighting in these shots. What I'm wearing is very typical weekend, winter day wear - jeans, thick knitted jumper, casual blazer and a big scarf. Its comfortable, warm and versatile for many Sunday situations such was walks, pubs and even chilling on the sofa watching breaking bad (I'm now on Season 4!).
So the shoes which I wear like all the time are from River Island brought via and are somehow still in stock at only £60. Then the jeans are mid-wash blue semi skinny. My knitted jumper is from last seasons Allsaints collection, although in the shop the look below, I have added one that is very similar (but better...dammit!). The harris tweed casual blazer is via ASOS and finally so is the multi coloured scarf.
Photo Credit Sophie Milner

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.