I look back at the 90's and then the 00's and have SO many great memories. It was the a time in my life where I had my first part-time job working in the local Sainsbury's restaurant serving the finest scampi and chips in Kent! Buying clothes was done by heading down to your local market as Bluewater didn't exist back then and I had my first piercing, tattoo and also lost my virginity to an unnamed very (*un)lucky girl - I've got better with age!
Who in there 30's also remembers some of these classic memories:
Patrick Cox Wannabes - Yes these snake skin style shoes were the must have item of my time.
Ear Piercing - It had to be a gold hoop earring, in the left ear or both if you were super cool. Mine lasted about 2 months before realising I'm just not cool enough to pull it off!
Naff Naff Jackets - A black shell suit type of bomber jacket. En-naff said.
Record Bags - Had to be Sliffy or Dready branded otherwise you would be bullied.
Awesome Cartoons - Move aside Power Rangers, Mr Blobby and Pokemon as you have nothing compared to our classics such as Fraggle Rock, Dungeons & Dragons, He-Man, Trapdoor and Bat-fink who had wings of steel.
Armband Tattoos - I'm still waiting for mine to become cool, vintage or retro...although it will probably turn green before that happens.
Jungle Massive 2 - The best album of all time, period.
Catalogues - Yes before online shopping this is how we shopped. Although every teenage boy would just flick directly to the bra pages...well online porn didn't exist back then either...which leads me on to...
...Porn - was in the form of torn pages found in bushes. It was an unwritten rule passed down from generations, once you buy a porn magazine, read it then tear all pages and scatter around for others to find.
Then there was my introduction to UK Garage with Incredible by General Levy:
Anyway, enough reminiscing as we could be here all night. Last week I had a rumble around the loft to see what items of clothing I could find and bring back some of my favourite 90's looks.
Pretty much every hipster in London owns a denim jacket right now brought from a Brick Lane vintage shop, but I lived it and this original 1998 DKNY 'Vintage' Denim jacket is my best item from the 90's.
Okay okay, so this isn't an original 90's shearling jacket but the shearling jacket and 90's fashion making an revival in menswear so this is a must have jacket for Autumn Winter 2015 (AW15).
The first shirt brand I ever brought after saving up two months worth of paper rounds!
Photo Credit Sophie Milner

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.