Can I Be The Next Milk Tray Man Please!
Earlier on in the year Cadburys launched their campaign to find the next Milk Tray man. I missed this casting call, so I'm going to have to wait until the next one, but thats not going to stop me in getting in some practice early doors - so when the next casting happens, I'm ready, Milk Tray in hand and the perfect all-black outfit ready and waiting.
Often blog posts can be dictated by the brands us influencers work with - products they want to promote etc. I love working with great brands and trialling their new products, however, sometimes it is nice to just put together an outfit post which is totally your own style and from stuff you have had in your own wardrobe for a while.
That is exactly how I put together this outfit. All the items I'm wearing in this outfit, I have owned for at least 6 months with the shirt 2 years old and the jeans 3 years old!
Firstly, everyone needs a trusty black shirt...not a crusty one that has been over worn, over washed and now grey! Mine is over 2 years old and still has a deep black colour with no grey marks around the bends in the collar. It is a Pin Collar Shirt from London's Hawkins & Shepherd shirt makers, for this look, I have removed the pin and opened the shirt into more of a casual style. The jeans are my Topman favourites....3 years old and are still going strong, in fact they get better with age. The watch, suit blazer and shoes are slightly newer but are all investment pieces that I'll be wearing for years to come.
Photography by Ella H

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.