Streamline Your Time Spent Blogging | Get These Apps Now!
We're all looking for new ways to make our lives more time efficient. There's nothing that grinds my gears more than waiting in line with nothing to do. Especially with regards to the blog. The biggest strain on my time is often not the writing (as you may have guessed) but the uploading, the photo editing, the tagging, then the distributing across social media.
I've put together a mini-listicle of Time Saving Blogger Hacks, I'd be interested in hearing in the comment section if anyone has any more.
Otranscribe is a free web app to take the pain out of transcribing recorded interviews. I've tried countless of different apps, some with varied level of success. Ultimately if you can afford it, outsource it. However, this app makes transcribing those recorded interviews a sh&t tonne easier. Not such a well-kept secret anymore.
Oh the sweet joy of bulk image uploads. Talking earlier about multiple social media distribution, Tailwind will relieve you of all that heavy lifting. It will post all of your visual marketing content to Instagram and Pinterest from one tool with a single workflow.
Especially if you're just starting out as a blogger, Logo Garden will not only save you time, but money as well. You don't need an all singing-all dancing logo for your blog because chances are you'll change it in a few months when you rebrand. Yes many bloggers think it's a great idea to write about one thing, their love for cats or thrift stores, but soon realise that money isn't allocated to a single genre. Why do you think the word 'Lifestyle' was invented.
Ohhh yes baby, this is the biggy. Loom is a ten minute screen recording device that allows you to share a screen and record audio. Perfect if you have a team of minions that you need to address, rather than hammer out a dissertation email, this software is free and has been a revelation for me.
For example on my e-commerce site I have a small team, each assigned different roles. Copywriting, graphic design, layout etc. Rather than shoot them independent emails I get to summarise in a five minute video, sharing my screen and highlighting the problems that need addressing.
Also a really good tool for those big pitches! If you want to make that very big pitch personable, nothing better than a very recorded video just for that one client. Less spammy.
Last Pass
Oh sweet Lord, what a find this is. Passwords were the bane of my life. Constantly having to refer to my little black book, then I'd need to decipher my own handwriting, then I'd lose the book anyway.
Last Pass, it's a vault for all the passwords and populates all the fields so you can do away with that little black book, if you haven't lost it already.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.