Heath London | A Brand for the Urban Natural Lifestyle
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HEATH is a new range of skincare and grooming solutions inspired by the Urban Natural Lifestyle. This week I'm introducing two new products into my grooming regime, the Heath Rescue Hair and Body Wash and the Hand Salve, a hand cream for men. 


But Carl, who are Heath? 

You're right, let's dial it back one. Who are Heath and where did they come from? Heath is a British grooming brand, made in the UK and was founded by a father-and-son team after discussing what they really wanted from a grooming regime after a game of squash. They found that they both wanted products that were simple to use, reasonably priced and well-designed. 


Who are the products tailored for? 

I might be ostracising a large part of my audience here but you country boys, living out in the clean air, punting down the River Cam might not appreciate what effect living in the city has on your skin. Your face is like a welcome mat for all the grime and invisible toxins that are just anxiously searching for a warm cozy pore to invade and fester. 

The new hair and body wash contain active ingredients to help battle fatigue. Jet setters, travellers, drinking their way through 10 espressos a day to keep their eyes open, this could be for you. 

People came to us saying they wanted something that would help clear the fog when fending off a cold, or after too many late nights. Rescue Hair + Body Wash is designed to help provide instant cut-through when the going gets tough.’ Heath brand director, Lesley Aaronson


How do you rate the packaging?

From an aesthetics perspective, I'd say this is a job well done. I love the look of these products. Maybe it's British Racing Green who knows, but the colour oozes natural, organic, earthy; all congruent with the philosophy of the brand. 


What's in the products? 

Rescue Hair + Body Wash. Firstly, I like anything with the word rescue in it. Has a swashbuckling ring to it don't you think? It's being coined the ‘Man Flu’ survival kit. Powered with Eucalyptus, Pine Needle, Juniper Berry and Rosemary essential oils to decongest and invigorate.Apparently men are more susceptible to colds and flu than women, throwing a new light on the idea man flu.

Rescue Hair + Body Wash adds to a man’s rescue survival kit for those very real ‘man down’ moments. Also has caffeine which is known to stimulate hair follicles and ginseng for extra ‘ping’.

Ever heard of the door handle test? 

Neither had I. Door handle test – an informal yet critical test when formulating a hand cream for busy hands. Before Heath finalised the formulation for Hand Salve (their new hand cream for men) it had to pass it. Apply a small amount, smooth into hands, wait 60 seconds then try the door. 

The non-greasy formula meant there was no residue left on the door handle. Which might sound like a neat bonus, but I have a whole bunch of creams and balms that don't pass this test and I'm forever washing and drying my hands after. 

Hand Salve is made with shea butter plus Pollustop, and acts as an invisible skin matrix helping protect hands from the ageing effects of pollution and the environment.

Deep moisturises dry, overworked hands with Shea Butter and Panthenol whilst Allantoin soothes and protects. Fragrance notes - Refreshing, clean, Mint and Lavender fragrance.

All products from Heath are available now heathlondon.co.uk & Waitrose & waitrose.com


Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.