6 Best Golf Driving Range Tips for Golfing Newbies
So, you’re interested in golf?
Maybe a friend or family member talked you into giving it a try, or maybe you’ve wanted to give it a go for a while now. Whatever the case may be, if you’re reading this, it means you’re ready to take the plunge and give golf a try.
And we’re here to help!
In this blog post, we’ll go over six of the best golf driving range tips for golfing newbies. By the time you finish reading, you’ll be ready to hit the green with confidence!
What are the Health Benefits of Playing Golf?
Before we get into the driving range tips, let’s talk about some of the health benefits of playing golf. Golf is a great way to get some exercise while spending time outdoors. It’s also a low-impact sport, so it’s easy on your joints. There is a lot of walking involved in golf, which is great for your cardiovascular health.
And golf can even provide mental health benefits. The act of swinging a golf club can help to clear your mind and relieve stress. Golf is also a social game, so it’s a great way to meet new people and make friends.
Now that we’ve talked about some of the benefits of playing golf let’s get into the driving range tips!
Keep Your Golf Practice Sessions Short
Don’t try to do too much too soon. When you first start out, it’s important to keep your practice sessions short and sweet. 30 minutes to an hour is more than enough time to get in some good swings and get a feel for the game. Once you start to feel more comfortable, you can gradually increase the length of your practice sessions.
If you're looking to go far with your golfing journey, you might want to consider becoming a member at your local golf course or looking for a golf coach. A golf coach will be able to guide you through your development as a golfer and help you to improve your skills more quickly.
Alternatively, if you're hoping to take up golf as more of a hobby and something to do on the weekends, you could see if a family member or friend who already knows a thing or two about golf would be willing to give you some pointers.
Use a Light Grip
A lot of new golfers make the mistake of gripping the club too tightly. This tense grip not only makes it harder to swing properly but also increases your chances of fatigue setting in before your practice session is over. So, take it easy on that grip! A light grip will help you keep your swing smooth and relaxed.
You want to make sure your hand positioning is correct too. The V created by your thumb and forefinger should point towards your right shoulder (for right-handed golfers).
When driving the ball, you want to make sure that you hit the ball in the centre of the clubface. The 'sweet spot' is located in the middle of the clubface and will help ensure that your ball gets maximum distance. If you don't hit the ball in the sweet spot, you'll likely end up with a 'fade' or a 'slice'.
That being said, don't worry! The driving range is a great place to experiment with different shots and get a feel for how the ball reacts when you hit it in different ways. The driving range nets will help to catch any wayward balls, so you don't have to worry about losing them. A good golf ball stop net should be big enough to let you practice different types of shots without having to worry about losing your balls.
Focus On Your Posture
Good posture is key in any sport, but it’s especially important in golf. Remember to keep your back straight and avoid slouching as you take your stance. This will help ensure that you have a solid foundation from which to make your swing.
If your posture isn't correct, you run the risk of losing power in your swing and not making contact with the ball. You also might find that your accuracy suffers if you don't have good posture.
It will help to focus on your posture outside of golf too. For instance, if you have a desk job, make an effort to sit up straight and avoid slouching in your chair. This will help train your body to maintain good posture, which will come in handy when you’re on the golf course.
With the right posture, you will be able to put more power into your shot and hit the ball further on the driving range. You will also find it easier to keep your shots on target.
Make Sure Your Clubs Are the Right Size
This might seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people try to use clubs that are either too big or too small for them. Using clubs that are the wrong size can seriously affect your game—so before you head to the driving range, make sure your clubs are properly fitted!
There are a couple of golf clubs you will want to take with you to the driving range. The first is the driver, which is the longest club and is used for teeing off. The second is the putter, which is used for making short strokes on the green. Then there are the irons, which are used for shots that are not as long as the driver but longer than the putter.
It’s important to get fitted for clubs so that they are the right size and weight for you. If you use clubs that are too light or too heavy, it will be difficult to make a smooth swing. And if the clubs are too long or too short, you won’t be able to hit the ball as accurately.
Consult with a professional at your local golf store to get fitted for clubs. They will be able to help you find the right clubs for your height, weight, and skill level.
Don’t Forget About Golf Warmup Techniques
Just like in any other sport, warming up before you start swinging is crucial in golf. Take a few minutes before your practice session to stretch out your arms and legs; this will help prevent injuries down the road. If you don't warm up your muscles, you run the risk of pulling a muscle or tendon when you make your swing.
You can also use this time to visualise your perfect swing. See yourself making contact with the ball in the sweet spot, and then watch as it soars through the air and lands exactly where you want it to. This will help get you in the right mindset for a successful practice session.
Some common and easy stretches to do before golfing include:
Wrist Circles: Hold your arms out in front of you and make small circles with your wrists. Do this for 10 seconds in each direction.
Arm Swings: Swing your arms back and forth across your body. This will help loosen up your shoulder muscles. Do this for 10-20 seconds.
Hip Rotations: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides. Slowly rotate your hips from side to side. Do this for 10-20 seconds.
Practice With a Purpose
Having a plan for your practice session will help you make the most of your time at the driving range—and it will also help improve your game faster than just aimlessly hitting balls would.
Start by working on one specific aspect of your game that you want to improve, such as accuracy or power generation. Once you feel confident with that aspect, move on to another area that needs work.
You could set yourself up with different stations at the driving range, each focusing on a different part of your game. For instance, you could spend 10 minutes working on tee shots, 10 minutes hitting approach shots, and 10 minutes practising your putting. Or you could alternate between hitting long drives and working on your accuracy.
It’s important to mix things up, so you don’t get bored—but also to focus on specific areas so you can make real progress with your game.
Conclusion: Follow These Driving Range Golf Tips to Improve Your Skill
Golf is a fantastic sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. However, if you want to improve your game, it’s important to practise regularly—and the driving range is the perfect place to do that.
By following the tips in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better golfer. So get out there and start practising!

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