What Aftershave is Good for a First Date?
Today I'm going to share some thoughts on what I believe to be a good aftershave for you to wear on a first date. Some of these fragrances I have in my collection, some gifted, others I've just smelt on occasion, made a mental note and filed it away somewhere in the dark recess of my mind.
Perhaps the type of fragrance you should be wearing on a first date, should start with a question one needs to ask of themselves; what impression am I trying to create? Obviously a good one, that's a given. But on this first date are you catering your projections on how you wish to be perceived? For example, is your date in the creative industry looking for some fun, a slice of escapism? Is she from the corporate world where they are looking for a grounded professional? How old is your date and what environment are you meeting them in?
I can only go by experience, and it's been awhile luckily for me since I've had to ask, what fragrance should I wear on a first date? But from memory, I would always look to make the first date as fun, but as short as possible.
A walk around the park with a coffee to go is my preference. If it's not too cold that is. So I'd look for something earthy and floral. I'd not look for anything too sweet no matter on what age you are. If you're young you're looking to project a certain level of maturity, if you're fair to middling age you will want to project a knowingness that you are acting your age.
I'd certainly stay away from any overtly strong notes like OUD or anything notably spicy like Black Pepper. The scent should be neutral and non-invasive. You will never be downgraded for wearing a safe fragrance on a first date, but it could be a deal breaker if you come in with anything over powering or chancy.
In my experience, and I have been on a lot of first dates, you should give your first date a window of your time. You should inform her you have a hard out and you need to be back at a certain time, or on a business call whatever. Make it up, make it sound good. This will be a welcome reprieve for her too. Women like to know that should they not like you, or feel uncomfortable, then they only have to suffer for you for a small period of time.
In London, it's always nice to walk around a park, or a body of water. Hyde Park is nice but too sparse and open. Often congested and touristy. St James Park is a little more interesting but Regents Park is beautiful in the Spring/Summer. It has the Queen's Gardens, it has a cafe, Black Swans, a Band Stand etc. But ultimately, I would only suggest this to your date. She should feel comfortable so maybe ask her if there is a park or a outdoor eatery close to her that she can recommend.
Don't do cinemas, anything expensive, nothing lavish, nothing crazy, no red carpets, no friends parties, no Michelin starred restaurants. Don't swear, don't open car doors, don't tell her you write for VIZ, don't tell her you binge watch anything, don't tell her your life story, don't tell her your sad stories.
Pay for coffees, check your teeth in the mirror before leaving the house, clean your trainers, wear smart casual, fitted but comfortable. I'd personally wear a shirt and sports jacket. Failing that a polo, something with a collar. Go easy on the logos. Pay for drinks, pay for ice creams. Tell her she looks great, tell her you had a great time.
FIRST DATE: Aftershaves
So here are some fragrances I'd recommend and a short reason why.
Le Labo - Santal 33
It's a unisex fragrance and one of the best in the world. There is a good chance she might know it or even have it. If she is familiar then she will give you kudos for good taste. If she is not then you'll get to give her this line after she enquires, 'Santal 33 has been dubbed the scent of New York'. Find other reviews of Santal fragrances on my blog here.
Jo Malone - Sea Daffodil
Taken from their Blossoms Collection. The vibrant mandarin captured in this fragrance is deepened with a warm amber note and a pinch of precious orris for an addictive zesty allure. In my review of this scent, I mentioned that the 'Bitter Mandarin captures the spirit of a Mediterranean summer evening: a carefree buzz in the air.' Your first date should be easy going, like the image of the fragrance projects.
Tom Ford - Vanille Fatale
Refined yet raw, polished yet primal, Private Blend Vanille Fatale grips the senses with stirring spices, grounded florals and robust woods. It's one of the best TOM FORD scents that doesn't overwhelm. Yet it does ooze luxury and affirms your intentions; you're a man that makes the effort.
Sauvage Parfum by Dior
If nothing else it's a conversation starter right? With everything Johnny Depp is going through right now you can always chime in with your opinions on the Depp/Heard fiasco case. Depp seems to be having fun, I hope he wins. I loved Edward Scissorhands growing up. Leading with a zesty whirlwind of bergamot and notes of pulpy mandarin, cardamom and Elemi, the addictive complex of Sauvage Parfum reveals entrancing notes of dry amber core, Virginia cedar and Sri-lankan sandalwood.
I have picked this one because it smells great, and is a great conversation stimulator. I have reviewed it fully in a previous post here.
Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) Splendid Wood
As I have suggested an outdoor activity for your first date, what better than a fragrance that takes its inspiration from the great outdoors. It has depth, it has purpose, and oddly, it has this wonderful timing. You're not in on the secret straight away. It lets you unfold it. You get to explore it like you would a walk through a new forest. You can find a full review on my blog here.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.