CONSCIENCE LAB Skincare Review
Today I'm sharing some thoughts and first impressions on some new skincare that I've been experimenting with over the past couple of weeks; Conscience Lab.
A unique natural skincare range from Provence, a blend of the highest quality natural and organic ingredients and the latest in dermatological science. Well that's what it says in the bio. Which if this was a dating app, I'd be swiping right and wanting to know more. On the website you'll find a him and hers section, and it's very easy to navigate.
Products and review
The Face Cleansing Gel is composed of surfactants from 100% natural origin. These key ingredients consist of essential oils such as Litsea, Lavender and Lavandin which combined are known to soothe, purify and tone the skin. I applied morning and evening in circular motions. It left my skin feeling energised and it smelt brand new. No unwanted residue or synthesised formula. I loved it and it was always an enjoyable experience applying it. In fact one morning it got me out of bed knowing I was going to have this experience of using this cleansing gel. Does that make me a bit of a grooming geek? Don't answer that.
The Conscience Lab Exfoliating Mask is described as a scrub and mask all in one. It purifies and moisturises at the same time, removing impurities and leaving the skin soft to touch. The genius of this mask is in part, down to the Apricot Kernel Powder. Therein the finely graded powder lies the secret to the removal of dead skin cells. I'm hooked on this mask, as is Tuula. We mask up and watch some tele at night, and then after we've washed it off, lie next to each other in bed and say 'No YOU look five years younger'.
We don't really, but secretly I'm sure, we're both thinking it.
Lastly the routine is furnished with the Intensiv Skin Booster. This is a daily non-greasy facial moisturiser designed to maintain the suppleness of the skin. This was a real joy to use. The cream felt rich, I felt nourished and my skin absorbed it and almost thanked me simultaneously. (Look I often think my skin has an inner dialogue that only I am privy to. Same with my belly that has got quite the potty mouth, especially after I've asked why it's not in 'washboard abs mode' after nailing a catering size pack of Vienetta ice cream).
Overall I really enjoyed these products. They smelled great, they had a very natural, luxurious with an organic feel to them. My skin had a good time and I would certainly say they are great value for money.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.