Today I want to share some head shaving tips that I picked up from the WAHL YouTube tutorial. I don't shave my head but I know many of you out there do and I think it's worth highlighting some of the useful tips.
The way you grip your hair clipper is determined by the angle you need to cut your hair. When working front back, take an overhand grip. This enables you to control the angle of the blade keeping it flush to the scalp for every stroke.
TIP 1 Guys, Please have your partner give you the once over after you're done. You never know what patch you might miss, plus if they're willing they can do your back and shoulders too.
When working back to front take an underhand grip. This enables you to move the clipper freely in a smooth motion for harder to reach areas. For the smoothest cut always keep the surface of the blade flush to the scalp. This ensures you'll get a consistent cut without any pulling or snagging.
TIP 2 Most guys just use the one blade and never clean it. Experiment with all the blades and try and fade from bottom to top. To clean the blade Wahl produce a special blade oil specially designed to prevent rust from forming and helps extend the life of the clipper and blades; can also reduce the likelihood of blades becoming dull.
Whether you cut with or against the grain depends on the direction you're cutting from. For the ultimate smooth finish it is best to cut your hair from various angles. This will ensure you catch every hair no matter which direction it grows in.
TIP 3 Avoid taking clippers into the shower. No matter how water resistant they tell you they are, in my experience they've never lasted once exposed to water. Plus it's more work cleaning the clippings from the plug hole.
The contours of your head will vary with bumps and dents. work the corner of the clipper blade in short strokes from various angles to get into all the contours of the head. This will prevent any patches that may be left longer or appear darker than the rest of your head.
TIP 4 Don't use the same clippers for your beard and head, that you use for the hair downstairs. It's just not the done thing and if you do, don't ever admit to it or say those words into a hot microphone.
The key to a smooth cutting experience is to always ensure the skin is pulled tight in the area you are cutting pulling the skin tight will prevent the clipper from catching the skin and allows the blade to glide smoothly over your head simply place your hand or finger around the area you are cutting and pull the skin until it feels tight on your head.
TIP 5 Don't shave your head wearing a tee shirt. The clippings get everywhere and you'll be scratching your back like an orangutan for the rest of the day.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.