Randox How Important is it to get your Blood Work Done?
Today I'm going to share some of my thoughts and share my experiences with dealing with Randox Health Care. This is not a sponsored post. You may have seen Randox advertised on billboards on the underground. What do they do exactly?
Randox Health do more tests in each health check than anybody else. Rather than testing in isolation, which can often give a patchy representation of your health, Randox Health takes a whole-body approach. With up to 350 results, you’ll get the most comprehensive understanding of your health available – including your heart, thyroid, liver and more.
I made an appointment at the branch in Chiswick and wondered down. There's no eating or drinking 6 hours before the appointment. This is good to remember should you be an early riser and like to get a few coffees in you before you leave the house. I completely forgot this rule of course and necked 3 coffees before the penny dropped. Never-mind. I didn't want to cancel and lose my £25 booking fee.
The reception area was sparse and there are more staff than people. That's fine, they're new in town. Plus it's not the sort of place where everything is happening at once. If the place was busy (and I assumed they were because of the difficulty in getting an appointment) then it was all going on behind closed doors.
After a short wait I was called up to the office. Red headed Irish lady was nice. She was new in town so I recommended all the decent pubs in town. The Packhorse and Talbot for the footie, The Roebuck for the Sunday lunch, and The Bell & Crown for beers along the river. Immediately I got a little self-conscious that I was painting a terrible picture of myself. A man fluent in local pubs and not gyms might have questionable lifestyle habits. But I guess this is what I was here to find out.
The lady whose name I have forgotten explained that Randox Health encourage individuals to discover their own personal health profile while they are still fit and healthy, to monitor any changes, and to take action when necessary.
She took quite a bit of blood. But I guess there were quite a lot of tests to do. Their blood test provides a wealth of data designed to give me a better understanding of your hormonal, heart, kidney, liver, thyroid, digestive and nutritional health.
I thought you might find it interesting to see these test results, these will give you the highlighted data points. The price is £295 for two check-ups annually. This is very good value and the tests will also be very useful for future consultations with my GP and my health doctor out in Viva Mahr in Austria. A review of that clinic can be found here.
Once the blood test has been evaluated you are notified by email to check your online results. As well as my results, these contain explanations and personalised advice, and also outline the next steps of my programme. The hardcopy then gets posted to the address I provided them.
As my results are now available, I scheduled in a Results Review as part of my programme. This will allow the Randox Health Scientist to discuss my results in more detail and also update your Personal Health Plan.
If you want to have a follow up consultation that is an extra £100. But I haven't opted for that. Nor have I been for my results review as the nearest appointment is a month away.
Still, the overall experience was very satisfactory. Very professional. It was frictionless and I would say great value for money. I would suggest everyone gets this done so they can also find out what is going on under the surface. Whilst you might feel fine and ready to take on the world, you never know what underlying condition or allergies you might be susceptible to.
Especially in this day and age, I find it invaluable to have this kind information on file in order to detect any irregularities.
Visit RANDOX HEALTH for more details and to book a consultation.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.