Caring For Your First Rescue Dog And Helping Them Feel Comfortable In Their New Home
Adopting a dog is an exciting step in a person’s life. Adopting a rescue dog can change a person’s life and alter how they go about their daily lives. Now, whenever they make decisions, they have to factor in how it will impact their new canine companion. For instance, if planning a trip away – will the dog come along, will someone stay home to dog sit, or will they be booked in at a kennel? Of course, depending on how they cope, staying in a kennel and how they are around strangers will impact a person’s decision.
But, before getting swept up in planning future trips, they need to start by helping them adjust to life in a new home. Rescue dogs can find it difficult to relax in their new home. Whether they have moved to a rescue centre from another home or moving countries, there will likely be a bit of fear within them. Ensuring you are accommodating and understanding of these fears will help with caring for a rescue dog.
If this is your first rescue dog, here are a few tips to help you get your new canine companion comfortable and settled in their new home.
Create Comfortable, Safe Spaces
Before their arrival, ensure you have identified and created spaces in your home for your rescue dog to find comfort. It should be a space where they feel safe and comfortable – a place they can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed. It could be an open crate with blankets sheltering it or a comfortable bed in a quiet location. Keep it in a space away from areas people tend to gather, as your rescue dog can feel they have a space to go when they want to be alone.
Stock Up On Essential Foods And Supplements
After setting up an area in your home, think about your dog's diet. The rescue centre will likely have offered advice on the recommended diet for your dog. Along with the recommended diet, consider investing in natural dog supplements. Of course, there are different dog supplements you could choose from, each one helping your rescue dog’s development in different ways. Some will help with their vision, others will help their overall health, and other dog supplements are good for improving their coats. You can find a range of healthy dog supplements from ProDog Raw that could be ideal for your rescue dog. Having a selection of foods and supplements will help you create a routine that your rescue dog will grow accustomed to. Having this routine will help them in getting settled in their new home.
Be Patient With The Process
As you can imagine, moving homes can be a traumatic experience for a dog. After moving into your home, it might take them a while to feel settled. Follow their lead and react accordingly to their behaviours. For instance, if they want to spend their time in a space they feel the safest, avoid crowding them and trying to force them out of this space. Over time, as they grow more confident and comfortable, they will gradually come out of their shell. Allow your rescue dog time to build trust with you. Patience and consistency will help them to feel settled.
As mentioned, you will gradually see a difference in your rescue dog’s behaviour. They might become more affectionate towards you, and their trust is stronger than when they arrived. This improvement will mark the start of a wonderful friendship.
Photo by Jared Murray on Unsplash

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