Lab-Grown Diamonds: The Ethical Choice for Your Engagement Ring
Many customers dream about having at least one piece of jewelry with diamonds. Luckily, nowadays, the prices cease to be the main obstacle towards purchasing it – the luxury starts to be affordable, especially if you seek it for some exceptional occasion.
As a good choice, consider lab grown diamond engagement rings since they look no less spectacular than rings with natural stones. However, the first ones are far more affordable, you may check pricing here and confirm the point on your own.
There are many other options available at the Rare Carat website, for all tastes and budgets. We have a variety of super-quality natural and lab-grown diamonds. The latter can make a future owner admire them no less than natural stones. Let's just delve into the details.
Source: Rare Carat
What Is the Lab-Grown Diamond?
From a chemical perspective, lab-grown and natural diamonds are the same. The key difference is that the latter were formed for millions of years under high temperature and pressure. The second, the lab-grown diamonds, are created in special laboratories where the same conditions, as natural ones, are simulated.
There are two major methods for growing diamonds in the laboratories – High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). Both methods resemble the natural conditions of forming diamonds. As a consequence, the diamonds obtained afterward have the same chemical and optical features as the mined gems.
In this context, it is good to mention the natural diamond simulants, such as moissanite and cubic zirconia. Their appearance is very similar to natural diamonds. However, both are not true diamonds. That is why they are very affordable, even cheap. Unfortunately, the quality of these gems is the same.
In contrast, lab-grown diamonds are true diamonds. Unlike natural gems, lab-grown diamonds are much more affordable. Even more – from an ethical perspective, lab-grown diamonds are better alternatives to natural stones. Surprisingly yet this is true for many reasons.
More Sustainable and Environmental-Friendly
The main consideration in this context is mining. This process envisages extensive and deep excavation, land cleaning using heavy machinery, deforestation, habitat loss, and earth pollution. Unfortunately, before you get the future luxurious beauty on the surface, it may cost a lot to nature.
On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds have a lesser footprint, even minor. However, their creation is very energy-consuming but it is not related to land pollution and destruction, habitat loss, huge water consumption, etc. Therefore, lab-grown diamonds are far more environmentally friendly solutions. The switch to renewable energy resources during their production makes these options even more sustainable.
Supports Ethical Practices
Did you know that some diamonds are sourced from the war zones or illegally? Only official providers check this issue, including through cooperation with the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). This cooperation adds transparency to the diamond seller, making it impossible to hide the origin of the diamonds.
Lab-grown diamonds are not related somehow to the problem described above. When buyers choose this type of diamond, they may be confident in compliance with the applicable laws. Their diamonds will not be associated with any armed conflict or human rights abuses.
The process of their production is also transparent. But, quality is never sacrificed under these terms. Since a customer knows a manufacturer, this greatly fosters more informed decisions.
Innovative and Affordable Luxury
There is a sharp truth under the surface. The amount of natural resources is always limited, diamonds are no exception.
Lab-grown diamonds embody the innovations and are a more sustainable solution. They are powerful statements in favor of ethical values and care for the environment. Sustainability is not the last benefit lab-grown diamonds bring to the Earth.
Many customers across the globe will appreciate their decent rates. When the latter is accompanied by generous discounts, like at Rare Сarat, these solutions become even more attractive to more customers.
Source: Rare Carat
Debunking Finally One Myth
There is a popular misconception that lab-grown diamonds are less diamonds than natural ones. As noted before, lab-grown diamonds have the same physical and chemical characteristics as natural.
The single difference between them is how they appeared – natural gems were formed millions of years ago while lab-grown ones were made in special laboratories. Thus, the belief that lab-grown diamonds lack authenticity is nothing but a mistaken statement that originates from tradition.
Source: Rare Carat
Source High-Quality Lab-Grown Diamonds from Rare Carat!
If you are looking for a provider offering an extensive collection of high-quality precious stones, Rare Carat is here to help you:
● Superior lab-grown diamonds that are sometimes impossible to distinguish from the natural ones.
● Exceptional customer service with maximal attention to your needs and finding the most suitable ring for your budget and taste.
● High-quality confirmed by the certificates, including from the GIA; free gemologist checks are provided.
● Competitive rates are well below the average in the market, accompanied by generous discounts.
● Convenient website that is easy to navigate with lots of categories and detailed descriptions.
● Available online 24/7, free customer support is included.
We love diamonds and our customers. They are actually the same! Contact our professionals to enjoy more precise assistance on the matter.

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