How Restroom Signs Can Promote Space Inclusivity

How Restroom Signs Can Promote Space Inclusivity

Inclusivity is one of the biggest concerns of modern society. It is almost equal to accessibility and equality and might be viewed by many as a synonym for those concepts. The popularity of this notion in the 21st century is not strange at all because we all strive to make Earth a better place to live, and paying attention to others’ needs is one of the ways to reach our common goal.

Inclusive restroom door signage is one of the means to ensure accessible and understandable wayfinding. Those who have not faced the struggles of people who cannot find an appropriate bathroom will never understand their sorrowful experiences. This short guide is dedicated to eliminating this gap.

The Importance of Inclusivity

Inclusivity is very simple to understand — it is the guarantee that everyone’s needs and abilities are considered and included. In modern society, inclusivity helps us to realise why some people have special needs even when it comes to basic amenities. 

With that understanding, we can turn the public space into something where everyone will feel safe and confident. Of course, the sky is the limit, but who said that we should not put maximum effort into reaching the sky?

It can hardly be said that equipping your restrooms with inclusive door signs is a guaranteed way to complete accessibility, but it is at least a good and much-needed step forward.

All-Gender Restroom Signs

Gender separation for restrooms is quite a new thing because it became common at the end of the 19th century, which is a relatively short term. However, these days, it often becomes irrelevant since many people are not willing to identify themselves with any of the genders available. This is where an all-gender restroom sign from Bsign should come into play.

There are several purposes behind using all-gender restroom signs:

  1. Promote inclusivity and show your customers that you do not care about their gender identity — you will respect everyone.

  2. Cut down expenses related to organising separate restrooms for men and women.

  3. Comply with modern social norms for the purpose of creating a welcoming space that will celebrate individual choice by all possible means.

ADA Restroom Signs

It is a shame to acknowledge that people and governments have become concerned with the needs of disabled people not so long ago. Luckily, now we have the Americans with Disabilities Act that defines that all permanent public spaces, including restrooms and bathrooms, should be marked with responsive door signage that meets the ADA accessibility requirements.

From that perspective, we can distinguish two types of ADA restroom signs:

  • Handicap restroom signs that mark handicap restrooms — areas, where everything is designed for the needs of disabled individuals on wheelchairs.

  • ADA-compliant door signs that correspond to the ADA requirements and feature such characteristics as high-contrast colors, tactile letters, and proper placement.

What Does Bsign Offer?

Bsign can give you almost anything you can imagine in terms of restroom door signage. The wide assortment of products available at the store is not the only merit that contributes to that fact. The biggest game-changer is that Bsign crafts custom-made restroom signs. This means you can purchase virtually anything you need or want — just specify your requirements for all-gender restroom signs, explain what types of symbols you are willing to get and describe the interior peculiarities of your place. Once you do that, you can freely forget about all the doubts related to the choice of all-gender restroom signs.

Photo by Raquel Navalon Alvarez on Unsplash

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