The One thing All Bloggers Should be Doing Right NOW!
What is the one thing that will drive people to your blog and get you those precious Google snippets?
A. Infographics. Infographics have been around for ages but only recently Google has recognised that having consumable data in a chart or infographic is easier to digest visually and will actually keep people on your page for longer.
Google wants you to have great user experience. Having great written content on your site is one thing, but having it a format that can help people understand the text in a more efficient way is priceless.
Some examples of great infographics
You might have seen me post this infographic on a recent blog on what makes a quality shirt. I also did a separate post on the same theme, posting quality photos of the shirt and describing the features. Can you guess what leveraged more click throughs to my website?
Ask people to share
Check out the graphic regarding Influencer marketing at the foot of this blog. I was sent this by a PR company asking if it would be useful in any upcoming posts.
Of course I had to share this, look how great and in depth the infographic is! Also imagine trying to read all that information separately, you'd be there all day.
The better your infographic is the more likely people will want to share it. Why not reach out to the people that are involved with the data you're trying to present and ask, 'Hey I included information about your brand/website in this Infographic, I thought you might like to see it and share it.'
How do I create an Infographic for free?
You might be thinking 'I have no experience in web design. How do I design infographics?' The great news is that there are apps out there you can use for free and they're really easy to use.
The rest of this article I'm going to hand over to my friend Peter Brooker, Editor of From Tailors With Love.
Make it original
I used Infogram to help put together a playful infographic for my blog about James Bond cars. It's a great way to reimagine material and information that people might have seen a 1000 times before.
To start with I wanted to get some original data, so I posted a poll on Twitter asking 'What is your favourite movie that featured the Aston Martin DB5?'
Next Step
I then Googled four images of James Bond and the DB5, stuck them through a filter on Adobe Illustrator to make the images look original.
Everyone has seen photos of James Bond driving an Aston Martin, I find in the James Bond community people gravitate to new things rather than the same regurgitated photos that get spread and retweeted ad nauseam.
To finish
I simply uploaded the four images to a free blank template, inserted some text and quotes that people tweeted me (including Aston Martin) and voila. The only downside to Infogram is that you can't download the graphic, you can only share links and code.
Still if you visit my blog you might get a better idea.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.