Creed Green Irish Tweed Fragrance Review
Today I'm going to share some thoughts on the latest addition to my Creed Fragrance collection; Green Irish Tweed Fragrance. I know a timely review, it's only been out since 1985. Although it has been tweaked down the road so I'm told.
You'll find the bottle comes in different incarnations depending on the size. 50ml, 100ml, 250ml and 500ml.
I have the 100ml which is a very solid black bottle with sloping shoulders. Although if I had the budget, the 500ml is one of the most striking bottles I've seen. One for the wish list.
The Scent
The distribution is magnanimous. It comes at you strong, immediately you're aware that this is not a tickler. This is the Mike Tyson of scents. It's manly, its upfront, it has attitude, and it's intense.
The opening comes with a vibrant lemon and verbena. I feel a slight push of peppermint, and then I wait. It's clean, it's mature, it's direct. This Green Irish Tweed is everything I was hoping for and come to expect with a Creed fragrance. Not synthetic in anyway, not overly complicated. This puts you a green bubble of tranquillity. It's like a garden party for one. Those long sunny afternoons, playing headers and volleys down the park after school. The grass on your elbows, new holes in your school trousers. Your mum will kill you, they didn't last a day.
It feels like a long time until the violet leaf and the ambergris come to play. The dry down especially is nicely grounded with sandalwood and it's a soft landing. Then I open my eyes. And that's it. There' no other place to go, no more surprises. The scent is not complex. If it were a pop song it would be something like Song 2 by Blur. Short, catchy, in and out.
Final thoughts
It didn't expand beyond the boundaries of my personal space. Tuula got no whiff of it on the couch across the room. So this scent can be worn night and day. In the office, black tie, first date, casual pub drinks. It's not overpowering, it's got a subtle elegance to it. It's still not overtaking the Aventus or the Viking fragrances which I have reviewed previously, but it still has a podium finish. It's probably one of the most versatile colognes in my collection at present.
Available to buy via Harrods now.
50ml for £175. 100ml for £245. 250ml for £405. 500ml for £685.

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